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A Newsletter of the Tatum Highlands Community Association


By Daniel Luitjens

Architectural Review Committee Alternate Member

What does the Architectural Review Committee do for Tatum Highlands?

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) uses the guidelines established in the Tatum Highlands CC&Rs* to assure that design standards are met in order to maintain property values.

The CC&Rs state that no improvement which in any way alters the exterior appearance of the property shall be made without the prior written approval of the Committee.

Some common applications sent to the Committee are for:

  • Repainting your home

  • Solar panel installation

  • Landscaping updates

  • Roof repair/tile replacement

  • Entry doors and security doors

The documents that are used to apply for changes to the property can be found on the Trestle Management portal at:

The Committee can approve applications that are in full compliance with the guidelines within a short time on the Trestle Management website. Some applications may need to be reviewed at an open meeting. However, there is an allowed 45-day period for application reviews.

The Committee typically meets online once per month on the 4th Tuesday and homeowners are invited to attend. A notice is emailed to homeowners before the meeting.

The Committee recently updated the Design Guidelines for compliance with new laws and to clarify requirements. The maintenance and upkeep of the community requires the cooperation of all homeowners, who should be familiar with the CC&Rs and the Design Guidelines. To help homeowners, the Committee will continue to provide information through each issue of The Highlander newsletter on commonly seen non-compliant items.

* The Architectural Control Committee (commonly known as the Architectural Review Committee, ARC) was established in the Tatum Highlands Declaration of Covenants, Conventions, Restrictions and Easements (CC&Rs) in December of 1993 at the time the community was first being developed. An “Architectural Committee Charter” is in place that guides the functions of the Committee. The Charter, along with other documents, is available on the Trestle Management portal.


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